Export Agriculture Zones Home Gardens

S.No.CropPlants can be issuedUnit Price (Rs.)Amount borne by the
government per plant (Rs.)
Amount borne by the
beneficiary for a Plant (Rs.)
1Vanilla Stem 25 100 40.00 40.00
2Vanilla Plant 25 100 60.00 60.00
3Cardamom Seedlings 10 50 60.00 60.00
4Cardamom Suckers 10 50 35.00 35.00
5Cardamom Tissue Cultured 10 50 50.00 50.00
6Clove 3 15 130.00 100.00 30.00
7Nutmeg 3 15 150.00 120.00 30.00
8Garcenia Seedling 3 15 70.00 70.00
9Garcenia Budded 3 15 70.00 120.00
10Coffee (Arabica) 10 50 30.00 20.00 10.00
11Coffee (Robusta) 10 50 30.00 20.00 10.00